The Innholders
Charitable Foundation

We welcome applications for funding from smaller charities.

The Innholders’ Charitable Foundation

The Court of the Worshipful Company of Innholders is the trustee of the Innholders’ Charitable Foundation (registered charity number 1158457).

The Company’s Charity Committee recommends one-off awards of between £500 and £5,000 to the Trustee. The Committee meets in March, June and December each year.

The following eligibility criteria apply:

i) Charities, Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs), Community Interest Companies (CICs) and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) with annual incomes of below £1 million are welcome to apply.

ii) We do not make grants to individuals.

ii) We do not make grants to organisations outside the UK or for overseas expeditions or travel.

We welcome applications for funding for projects that satisfy our criteria for smaller awards, but please note that we can only accept on-line applications made through our portal. To discuss larger projects please contact the Clerk’s Office at [email protected].


The image shows the Alive project, which supports the elderly in Bristol.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please check your application will meet our criteria before submission.

Do we have to be a charity?

The application must be made on behalf of a registered Charity, a Charitable Incorporated Organisation or a Community Interest Company.

Does it matter where we operate?

You must be operating in England and Wales and, in recognition of our history in the City of London, we favour applications from charities that have links to the City of London or its adjoining boroughs.

Who are your preferred beneficiaries?

Our Foundation’s objects prioritise the following areas: the young, the elderly, and the hospitality industry.

Does it matter how big or small we are?

We make grants to small charities where our award will make a demonstrable impact on their work.

How will you check that we have spent your money as we said we would?

You will be asked to provide a brief report outlining how our funds were applied and in some cases we will ask to visit and see your charity in operation.

How much can we apply for?

Your application should be for a one-off award between £500 and £5,000.

Do we have to apply on-line?

Yes, we are unable to accept applications received in the post. You must apply using the form below.

When can I reapply for funding?

For both successful and unsuccessful applications, you should wait 24 months before applying again.

Are Diversity and Inclusion issues taken into account with regards to grant giving?

Diversity and Inclusion priorities are important to us and the online grant application form includes a section on how each charity applicant supports a Diversity and Inclusion agenda.

Make an Application

If your application satisfies our criteria, click below to make and submit your application.

Apply now

Please be aware that our grant making process is very competitive. We receive many applications, and we are likely to contact you only if you are successful.