The Innholders
Charitable Foundation

The Court of the Worshipful Company of Innholders is the trustee of the Innholders’ Charitable Foundation (registered charity number 1158457).

Hospitality Action

How is the Foundation funded?

The Foundation was formed in 2014 to amalgamate seven charities endowed by generous bequests from Innholders’ over the centuries.

The Foundation’s investments are managed by the Company’s Investment Committee which is instructed by the Trustee to preserve the capital value of the Foundation’s funds in real terms whilst providing for real increases in the annual grant giving.

City of London School educational establishments

How are beneficiaries of the Foundation’s awards selected?

The Company is proud of the enormous and far-reaching benefits that have been derived by many people through the hard work of the charities it supports.

Our giving is predominantly directed towards three separate groups: the elderly, the young, and the hospitality industry.

Beneficiaries selected by the Charity Committee (awards £500- £5,000) and the Patronage Committee (larger and long-term awards) are recommended to the Court acting as Trustee for its approval. Assistant Edmund Brandt is Chair of the Charity Committee, and the Chair of the Patronage Committee is Past Master Julia Sibley OBE.

Innholder Scholarships

Every penny of our charitable fund is used for charitable purposes. The committees that are responsible for allocating the funds work on a voluntary basis and all administration costs, including audited accounts, are met by the Worshipful Company of Innholders.

The Foundation’s formal objects are:

  1. To support the young and the furtherance of education
  2. To support the elderly and their welfare
  3. General charitable purposes

In addition, the Foundation supports the advancement of the hospitality industry in recognition of the Company’s historic links with the sector. Many of the projects we support meet more than one objective.

How Can You Help?

The Patronage and Charity Committees work hard to ensure that the best possible use is made of the funds of the Foundation. If you are interested in joining either of the Committees, or for a further insight into their work, please contact the Clerk for further information.

If you would like to donate regularly to the Innholders Charitable Foundation you can do this by clicking on the link below, which will take you to our Go Cardless facility where you can set up a direct debit:
Donate using Go Cardless

The Clerk will contact you to confirm the amount and frequency of your donation

To discuss a one-off donation or a bequest to the Foundation please contact the Clerk by email or phone.


Applying for Funding

The Charity Committee encourages applications from charities supported by members of the Company. If you are involved in a charity and would like to nominate it for a grant, please use the link below or approach the Assistant Clerk for assistance.

Find out more about our support for …

Young People

We support seven pupils at the City of London School and the City of London School for Girls with bursaries. We also support a scholar at each of Christ’s Hospital and the Licensed Victuallers’ School. We also offer bursaries to two students at Guildhall School of Music and Drama. All scholars are nominated and means tested by the schools. We endeavour to build relationships with these exceptional students and are proud that some of our previous scholars have chosen to enter the Company as Freemen.

In addition to supporting individual students, we have also made grants to Teach First and the London Academy of Excellence. We also support music outreach programmes run by the London Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Academy of Music.

In support of young people struggling with education, we have a long relationship with Jamie’s Farm which encourages children to re-engage with learning through a combination of farming, family and therapy.

In addition to these long term relationships, many of the small awards made by the Charity Committee go towards youth clubs and play schemes, mainly based in London.

The Hospitality Industry

In recognition of the Company’s historic links with hospitality, the Foundation supports the advancement of the sector.

The majority of expenditure under this heading relates to the Innholder Scholarships programme, which is funded by the Innholders’ Charitable Foundation, in partnership with The Savoy Educational Trust, Lord Forte Foundation and the Master Innholders Charitable Trust. Each year young managers in the hotel industry, with potential to become leaders in the sector, are selected to attend management development courses at Cornell or Cranfield. Alumni of this programme are known as ‘St Julian’s Scholars’.

In addition, the Foundation supports The Springboard Charity which encourages young people to enter the hospitality industry, and various other culinary and hospitality programmes.

The Elderly

The Foundation funds welfare grants made by three hospitality industry charities.  These are distributed by the charities as small grants to support former or current members of the industry experiencing financial hardship.

The Foundation also makes grants to charities that improve the quality of life for the elderly. This comes in the form of grants towards winter heating costs and the funding of schemes run by hospitality industry charities to relieve social isolation among the elderly.

Charitable Projects

In recent years the Foundation has supported general welfare projects with beneficiaries in London, primarily the Clink Charity and the Beyond Food Foundation, which aim to train the homeless and ex-offenders in careers in hospitality. We gave a major contribution to the Samaritans City Hub. Among other welfare charities, we have supported the Big Issue Foundation and the Livery Kitchens Initiative through the pandemic.

Some beneficiaries
of Innholders

Hospitality Action

Hospitality Action

Established in 1837 Hospitality Action offers vital assistance to all who work, or have worked, within hospitality in the UK.

Hospitality Action

We are proud to have supported Hospitality Action for many years and we are currently funding the Golden Friends newsletter and grants for the elderly, winter fuel and general family support.

We also have longstanding relationships with the other main hospitality industry welfare charities, the Licensed Trade Charity and the Drinks Trust.

Teach First

Teach First

We have recently supported the Leading Together programme.

Teach First

Working with teachers and school leadership teams to create real and lasting change for disadvantaged pupils so that every young person can have the opportunities they deserve.

Jamie’s Farm

We have recently supported the establishment of Jamie’s Farm at Lewes.

Jamie’s Farm

For the past ten years Jamie’s Farm has offered a unique residential experience and rigorous follow-up programme, combining farming, family and therapy. Jamie’s acts as a catalyst for change, enabling disadvantaged young people to thrive academically, socially and emotionally.

City of London School educational establishments

Funding scholarships for students

City of London School educational establishments

We fund scholarships for students at City of London School for Girls, City of London School and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. We encourage our scholars to develop a relationship with the Company and several have gone on to become apprentices and Freemen of the Company.

Innholder Scholarships

Innholder Scholarships

With the Savoy Educational Trust, and with additional backing from the Master Innholders Charitable Trust and the Lord Forte Foundation, we are primary funders of the Innholder Scholarships.

Designed to take hospitality professionals from managers to leaders, the Innholder Scholarship offers an opportunity to attend management courses at world-renowned universities, with the entire cost of tuition, board and lodging included.

The scholarships provide vital training and development in managerial skills, industry best practice, market evolution and global future challenges.

Over 240 UK hoteliers have benefitted from this career changing scheme since the scholarship was established in 1997. Graduates of the scheme are known as St Julian Scholars.

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